I don't think rich, okay? I know a lot of
people think rich, but I don't think rich.
I mean, maybe you learn it, but, jeez,
$ 100 million. That's a lot of learning to do.
I hardly ever had enough for lunch
before all this.
We should have given stock
to the other guys, Steve.
Like Dan?
Dan's been with us since we started...
...and you didn't set aside
any stock for him.
- I'm gonna give Dan some of my stock.
- Yeah, is Arlene there?
We gotta do the right thing.
Arlene? Okay, fine.
Let's talk about this baby.
Steve, why do you care
what I call the baby?
Because I don't want
the baby named Rainbow.
Or Orisha or Ravi Shankar
or any other name like that.
Steve, not right now, okay?
Well, when the hell is a good time to call?
Because every time I try...
- Do you want me to take that?
- Thank you.
You're welcome.