Jesus Christ.
After you'd gone...
...soldiers came...
...and a man with a dog.
- Mr Chance.
- You know him?
- Oh, yeah.
I'm gonna fuckin' kill him.
I swear.
- Do it.
- I'm not very good at this sort of...
All right.
Do it!
No, you're too low. Go higher up.
It's in his guts.
Clean it.
Oh, yeah.
Not so fast, vicar's boy.
Not my face! Not my face!
- Shit.
- Wait. Wait! Wait! Wait!
Fuck! Piss off.
- No, listen. Wait.
- Bugger off, vicar's boy.
Wait! Wait!
- We've got to surrender. They'll shoot us.
- Surrender's for wankers.