It's rather sad, actually.
What do you want? You've just
seriously compromised my social...
- Don't be a prick all your life.
- Gentlemen, please!
- If you must be uncouth, do it elsewhere.
- My fault entirely, gentlemen.
- Shouldn't have mentioned the French.
- No, perhaps you shouldn't.
All right, chinless.
You remember that ruby?
What, the one everyone eats?
We can buy our way out of this place.
Well, where is it?
(Plunkett taps stomach)
That's marvellous.
My freedom's at the mercy of your bowel...
- Our freedom.
- Slip of the tongue.
I provide the ruby,
you do the talking, right?
We have a gentleman's agreement.
That's nice.
Now, if you'll excuse me, the
jailer's daughter requires my attention.
And do help yourself.
I recommend the prunes.
Know what I mean?
(Macleane) Who ate all the pies?
Oh, my angel. My siren's song!
You've ambushed me
in the forests of your hair.
You've drowned me
in the pools of your eyes.
You've shackled me
to the poetry of your lips.
Oh, I do like to hear a fine gentleman talk.
Lady Tipton went to Hampstead...
...with the Duke of Northumberland...
...won fifteen hundred...