I should have realised.
The richest woman in England.
Of course she's got the pox!
- Calm down. It'll be worth it.
- Worth it!
My John Thomas
is a complete disaster area!
- Look!
- I don't wanna look.
Look! Look!
- Jesus Christ.
- (moans)
And you say it'll be worth it!
The whole paraphernalia's on fire!
Information is all you care about.
Information, information.
America, America, America.
I hope you drown on the way!
And Rebecca's lost to me.
How can I make love to her with the pox?
What's that? Ugh.
Plunkett's Patent Pox Cure.
Used to be an apothecary, didn't I?
- What?
- Does it work?
It has been known, yeah.
Just be very careful, all right?
Typical aristocracy.
She gives you the pox...
...and then four days later
she's marrying someone else.
- Poor bastard.
- Rich bastard.
Marriage à la mode, my dear Plunkett.
- Love you, darling.
- I love you, too.
Love her fortune, that is.
(Plunkett) There they are:
the Devonshire diamonds.
- See your Rebecca's here.
- Is she?
- Where? Where?
- End of the table, right-hand side.
What rhymes with Rebecca?
Pecker. How is the old, er...