Except they say it's got a human face
sometimes, and then at night they say it-
Where'd it go?
Look! Reinforcements! We're doomed!
Oh, no!
If Yakul's not afraid, then we have
nothing to worry about here.
Would you be kind enough to grant us
passage through your forest, little one?
Sir, I really think
we should turn around now.
I wonder, did I mention that no humans
have ever made it through these woods alive?
There's a lovely trail
back across the river.
The current's too swift
for us to get across,
and your friend's injuries
are very bad.
If we don't get him back soon,
he doesn't have a chance.
Hey, little fellow, are you showing us
the way or just getting us more lost?
Please, sir, I'm really pretty sure
they're not trying to help us get home.
Oh, my God!
There's thousands of them.
Look at that. That must be
their mother, a fine old tree.
Oh. This place is magical.