-That happen?
You really did that?
Of course, all that's changed tonight.
-l'll get the tip.
-No, we'll flip for it.
-Nope. On the quick, you ready?
-Can't we flip?
-Everybody take a match.
-l hate this! Why do we do this?
-Wait, wait, wait.
-l'll count.
-First one to drop it pays the tip.
-Wait, mine's burning faster.
-Mine's burning faster.
-Another conspiracy.
lt's burning faster than yours.
-We'll see if Ron owns a wallet.
l own a wallet. lt's not fair.
lt's cheap matches.
Game's over, guys. Come on.
l guess that's it.
l guess l'd better get out of here.
-Jesus, what was that all about?
Hey, Tommy, Dr. Freeze is back.