Jetlink 3889, can you increase to 1 90?
No problem. 3889.
Northwest 3518, descend.
Maintain 2000.
-l have a hole. l need a plane.
-We can't get them all down at once.
-Where's the hole?
-Here. Can you get me one?
-744, cleared lLS runway 4.
-You're clear for approach.
-1 783, descend. Maintain 5000.
-l got two more heavies.
-l'll take them.
-1 698, traffic, 1 2:00. Do you see him?
-Will look.
lKeep searching. lnbound speed 1 60.
Now, 1 698.
-l want an airplane!
-By the United!
-You'll have to slow that 747.
-l won't slow--
747's with Russell.
United 3426, you have traffic at 3:00.
Maintain 3000. Turn left 1 20.
What's Bob got?
-This guy's got--
-What's he doing with that Delta?
-l got it!
-You don't have space.
He's got no hole.
Bring the Japan in.
l'm telling center to slow them.
-This is nuts.
-lt wasn't a hole.
-lt was.
-Was not.
-Yes, it was.
-lt wasn't a hole.
lt was. He's in it.
-lt's a hole.
Can we direct some traffic?
-You wanna come with me?
Doughnut fix.
Yeah. Let's do it.