Here you go.
First time you used it?
l've formed absolutely no opinion of you.
What do you like to do? Do you work?
Yeah, l do. l'm a social worker.
l took some classes, but l can't
even get volunteer work here.
-Nobody in New York needs any help.
-No, we're all doing fine.
l never get drunk. l drink a lot.
l got the constitution of a walrus.
Do that thing.
Put your hand up there. Yeah, see?
That's definitely your evil side.
lt's an angel.
lt's got a nice
Dorothy Hamill vibe going.
So besides getting tattoos,
what are your hobbies?
You like to read?
Fiction, romance stuff?
-Well, that's fun.
Tons of fun. And l grow things.
-l grow things.