Random Hearts

From 1 1 News,
this is a special report.

May I help you?
I'm looking for a gift for my wife.
Is there a radio just for weather?
It's for my father-in-law in Florida.

I got a couple back here.
I'll show you.

A normal crew is two pilots
and three attendants.

The aircraft involved was a 737...
...which normally is configured
for seats for 96 to 1 38 passengers.

-Where's this?
-Down in the bay.

National Safety Board officials
were en route to the site...

...over Chesapeake Bay,
20 miles south...

...of the city limits,
where Southern Airlines flight...

...437 to Miami went down
about an hour ago...

...with 1 03 passengers...
Anything happening?
School cops took a nine
out of this girl's locker.

Same gun got logged into evidence
six weeks ago. Drive-by weapon.

...8000 feet when it veered off-course
and began a steep descent...

The only thing he isn't short on
is cash.

He'll buy a million dollars
worth of TV time...

...and hide behind the best advertising
money can buy.

I can beat him if I can get
on television myself.

The issue here is whether someone
totally unsuited for public office...

...can buy his way into
the United States Congress.

I hope your answer's no.
I said "buy" too many times, right?
Let's eat.
You got no lunchroom here?
