Random Hearts

Do I?
Paper said your husband was a lawyer
in New Hampshire.

He has an office here.
Most of his work was here.
I'm in Congress.
Yeah, I know.
So why was he going to Miami?
He had business there.
Are you investigating something?
They were sitting together on the plane.
Your husband.
My wife.
Do you know that?
Three A and B.
First class.
First class isn't what it used to be.
It's not worth the money.

Is there anything else?
You mad at me?
I don't know you, lieutenant.
Why would I be mad?

I'm a sergeant.
What are you? A sophisticator?
That's my daughter.
Sorry. An airline guy left
Dad's things downstairs...

...so I brought them up.
This is my daughter, Jessica.
This is Sergeant...
Van Den Broeck. They call me Dutch.
It's easier.

He lost his wife on the plane.
I'm sorry.
Never been to New Hampshire.
You go to school there or here?

I go to Andover. It's a prep school.
