- You gonna tell my da?
- Yes, I'm telling.
And I'll tell him
you drank his beer as well.
Anne Marie, shut up!
Okay, I won't tell.
- So you're not gonna tell my da?
- No, I won't tell.
Where's my beer?
Where were you?
You gonna watch football?
It's an old firm game.
- I don't like football.
- I like football, Dad. Can I watch it?
You come over here
and watch it with me.
I've got it. Over here!
Where's the little mouse?
Remember that little mouse
you put down the toilet?
The little mouse.
It's gone out to sea, darling.
The seaside?
Yes. It went for a swim.
Da, James hurt me.
He drank your beer as well.
Did he now?
I'll see to that later.
Now let me watch.
Go on, son. Jump for it!
- You killed my mouse, Dad.
Yes, yes!
Goal! Attack!
Give them back, you bastard.