And you and I make eight.
Cleaves cooks.
Knox used to be a veterinarian,
so he plays doctor.
My advice to you
is don't get sick.
I'd tell you don't eat,
but then most of us have to.
So, with your promotion...
you'd be number three
in command.
Toffler's prayer.
O heavenly Father,
bless this to our use, and--
So, did anyone
do anything today?
We have a great sense
of camaraderie...
here at Fort Spencer.
How did you get
behind the enemy line?
I froze. I was scared.
You froze while the rest
of your unit fought and died?
What did you do then?
I played dead.
But you made it
behind enemy lines.
I was buried...
with my commanding officer's...
half-shot-off head in my face...
his blood
running down my throat.