I suppose I owe you gentlemen
a story.
Only if you feel up to it.
We left in April.
Six of us in all.
Mr. MacCready and his wife
from Ireland.
Mr. Janusfrom Virginia,
I believe...
with his servant, Jones.
Myself--I'm from Scotland.
And our guide...
a military man, coincidentally.
Colonel Ives.
I don't think I know him.
The better for you.
A detestable man...
and a most disastrous guide.
He professed to know...
a new, shorter route
through the Nevadas.
Quite a route that was.
Longer than the known one...
and impossible to travel.
Get up there! Get on!
We worked...very, very hard.
By the time
of the first snowfall...
we were still a hundred miles
from this place.
That was November.
Proceeding in the snow
was futile.
We took shelter in a cave.
We decided to wait
until the storm had passed.
But the storm did not pass.
The trail soon
became impassable...
and we had run out of food.
We ate the oxen...
all the horses...
even my own dog.