-Major Knox.
-Major Knox.
He doesn't look
familiar to me, sir.
I do remember
the man wore a beard.
But, as I was saying, sir...
I was feeling
a bit ill that day.
-You were drunk.
-Captain, please.
Boyd, you say you fired
on this Colqhoun...
struck him in the shoulder.
Well, that would leave a wound,
now, wouldn't it, General?
I presume so.
Well, why don't we check, hmm?
-Colonel Ives.
Would you humor me a moment?
Of course, sir.
Would you...
Would you take off your shirt,
and show me your shoulder,
please, Colonel?
Well, I, uh...
My last physical
examination was...
was not that long ago.
Surely Major Knox has no desire
to hear me cough.
The other shoulder,
please, Colonel.
Thank you, Colonel.