When they told me l was going to
Jakarta l had to look it up on the map.
As a matter of fact, so did l.
l really want to be a trader.
lf Barings don't let me
on the floor after this, l'm off.
- Not gonna be bloody clerking all my life.
- Ooh! Ambitious, aren't we?
- ls that bad?
- lt's great.
l just want to get on in life.
l like to enjoy myself, don't get me wrong.
Work hard, play hard.
Well, l think this is me.
Well, night, Nick. That was fun.
- Yeah, it was, wasn't it?
- (door bleeps)
- OK. Night-night!
- See you tomorrow, then.
Lisa was a stunner all right.
Love at first sight.
Together we made short work
of the rest of those bonds.
Soon we cleared up most of Barings'
losses and it was time to go home.
See you later, Lisa.
l think you'll agree that in Nick
Lisa has met her prince.
(guests) Hear! Hear!
Join me in wishing them well
in their new life in Singapore,...
..where Nick is to be general manager of
the trading floor. Whatever that means.
- lt impressed the hell out of me, but...
- (laughter)
And, um...
To you, Nick, l'm entrusting
the most precious of gifts.
l know you're gonna look after her
and cherish her...
..and all those other things.
And if you don't,...
..l'll break your bloody legs, all right?
(woman) He means it!
l love you so much, Lisa Leeson.
l love you too, Nick.
As a reward for Jakarta l'd been given the
far more important market of Singapore,...