We may be the oldest
merchant bank in the world,...
..but that's no excuse for
not keeping up with the times.
When l became chairman,...
..l realised we couldn't go on running
Barings like a gentlemen's club.
We had to look beyond
our traditional recruiting grounds,...
..the old school tie,...
..to seek out a new and hungrier breed.
We're beginning to see the fruits
of those efforts, and l have to say,...
..the recovery in profitability, since
the reorganisation, has been... amazing.
To be frank, l've discovered
it's not actually terribly difficult...
..to make money
in the securities business!
Yeah, you paid 50 for 20.
- (knock on door)
- Come in.
Simon, er... l've got a slight problem.
One of the girls sold 20 contracts
for Fuji Bank instead of buying.
l can't do anything about it till Monday.
What's the damage?
20,000 at the close.
Sack the cow.
She'll never work on SlMEX again.
That's a bit hard, isn't it?
Look, you handle it.
Have a word with London,
but make sure you make that client good.
All right.
Hey! Have a beer, shithead!
Hi, darling.
Anyone seen Kim?
She was here a minute ago.