6,500? All right, leave it with me.
No problem.
What if the market doesn't rise, uh?
What if it falls?
l've gambled and won before.
l can gamble and win again.
Balls of steel, me old mateys,
and you'd better believe it.
Bonnie, l need you to
reopen the eights account.
We got caned on
Beaumarchais' contracts.
Now the bastard's gone back
to Societe Generale.
Fax Brenda Granger in London. Ask her
for funds to cover the margin payments.
Tell her it's for client positions.
- (internal phone)
- Hello?
lt's Simon.
Can you come into my office?
Right away.
Christ, l'd been rumbled!
The only surprise was it'd taken so long.
What was l gonna tell Lisa?
She'd bloody murder me.
- (knock on door)
- Come in.
Congratulations, Nick.
The '93 bonuses are in,
and you're down for 1 35 grand.
1 35? That's fantastic!
Your little operation generated profits of
over 10 million last year. You're a star!
ln fact, your figures are so high
they're going to check up on you.
Check up on me?
They're sending Ash Lewis out
for the audit.
Don't worry. lt's purely routine.
Ash Lewis?
She's meant to be
a right ball-breaker, isn't she?
That's our booth.
Filled! You paid 250.
Hi, Nick.
Ron Baker and Ash Lewis.
Ron is head of Derivatives Trading
in London.
Which l guess makes me your boss, Nick.
- How do you, Mr Leeson?
- Very well, thank you.
OK. Let's see the action!