(Baker) Who's doing all the business?
We're the biggest, right?
We do a lot of arbitrage,
so we do have a high volume.
We signal orders in to George
in the pit - this is Henry -
..and at the end of the day the girls in the
office log all the deals on to the computer.
(Lewis) You manage the trading floor
and the settlements office, is that right?
Yes, yes.
That's a little unusual. Whatever
happened to checks and balances?
- That's something we need to talk about.
- l'll be here for three weeks.
This is going to be a thoroughly
comprehensive audit. No stone unturned.
Absolutely. Anything l can do to help,
any stone needs turning, let me know.
Are we filled? Good man, Henry.
Nice to see you, Simon.
Dad's seen this flat in Blackheath.
Needs a bit of work, but him
and my granddad can fix it up.
Think of it like an insurance policy
in case you get sacked,...
..have to go back to England
and work as a plasterer! (laughs)
What's up with you, misery-guts?
What would you do, Lise?
What would you do if l did get the elbow?
You've just been given
a ruddy great big bonus.
But what if it all went wrong? What if
l'm not as clever as everyone thinks?
Oh, of course you are!
Anyway, it's you l love.
l don't give a toss about the money.
lf it was up to me we'd jack it all in now,
go back to England and start a family.
You're doing brilliantly, Nick.
You're a bloody star.
- Nick!
- (softly) Fuck!
- You're looking disgustingly chirpy.
- Haven't you heard? Panic over.
- Ash has been called back to London.
- You're kidding. Why?
Office politics. Some turf battle
between Futures and Securities.
- And what about the audit?
- They'll send Mark Taylor and Chris Carr.
Compared to Ash
they're a couple of pussies.