..dust to dust.
Good to see you, son.
Sorry occasion, but there you go.
- He had a good innings.
- That's the main thing.
So how's it going over there?
- Can't complain.
- We're all proud of you.
- What you've achieved.
- lt's no big deal.
Don't be so bloody modest!
You a plasterer's son!
l just wish your mum
could have been here to see it.
So do l.
(voice breaks)
l'll try not to let you all down, Dad.
- What did you say?
- lt's OK, it's just jet lag.
Don't pay any attention to me.
(lift pings)
l felt sick going into the office,...
..seeing all the people
l'd been avoiding for months.
lt was one thing to con people over the
phone, quite another to do it to their face.
Nick? That's you, isn't it?
Nick Leeson? l heard you were coming
You haven't the vaguest idea
who l am, have you?
- Of course. l'm sorry. How are you?
- So l finally get to put a face to the voice!
- My God, you are so young!
- Well, ageing rapidly, l'm afraid.
Can you come into my office? l really do
need to talk to you about the figures.
l'm meeting Peter Norris in three minutes.
Oh. Well, do come in right after, OK?
Nobody out there can answer
our questions but you.
And they just asked for
another ton of funding.
- All right. This one?
- Yeah.
Brenda was my cash lifeline.
She was the last person l wanted
asking awkward questions.
But first l had to deal with Peter Norris.
He's such a red-hot trader
l'm having him come in overnight!
Are you really?
You can't keep Nick away from the floor.
He's the key man in Singapore.
Sounds like you're the key man in Asia.
He's insane! You should see
how he takes that market on.
- Are you enjoying yourself?
- Yes, it's all right.
(both) ''All right''?
(they laugh)