l'm not going back after Christmas.
You can't make me.
What?! You're sitting next to
Peter Norris in the seat of honour!
Don't tell me you missed
your presentation too.
- l've been drinkin'.
- l never would have guessed(!)
l think it's downright rude.
You can't let everybody down.
You don't understand, Lisa.
l'm sitting on a fuckin' volcano.
l can't go back!
And what about your bonus?
Now, stop babblin'
and get yourself dressed!
l'll give you volcano, Nick Leeson -
right up your bum!
Lisa... oi!
ln you go! You stink!
- Oh, Lisa...
- (cackles)
You bitch!
- l'm gonna kill you now!
- Look at you! What a disgusting sight!
Aagh, no, you're gonna
get me all wet, Nick!
(Lisa laughs)
Nick. You've got to get dressed. Stop.
You've got to get dressed! (laughs)
Promise me you'll always love me, Lisa.
That whatever happens,
you'll always love me.
Oh, of course l will!
You're my man, aren't you?
lt was crazy going back. l couldn't hope
to survive the end-of-year audit.
There was that little matter
of the 7.78 billion yen...
..which l'd fabricated to plug
the hole in the five eights account.
l should have told Lisa
when l had the chance,...
..but this voice kept telling me...
..l'd traded out of losses before -
l could trade out of them again.
What's this letter all about?
Well, it's from SlMEX.
Yes, l know it's from SlMEX.
lt came while you were away.
''lt appears that you have
financed the trading positions...
..held by sub-account 88888.''