Right, we're gonna leave on the 25th.
l mean it. l'm calling
the furniture removers tomorrow.
All right.
All right.
With everything else closing in on me,
l'd forgotten about the mooning charge.
When it finally came up,
l was facing a possible jail sentence.
The charge has been reduced
to a misdemeanour.
The maximum penalty is a $200 fine.
l think we should plead guilty.
Thank you very much.
lt was uncanny.
l'd got away with it again!
To the Singapore legal system,
a shining example to the free world!
We bared our all for Barings.
Bearer bonds takes on
a whole new meaning after this!
(phone rings)
Talk about a bear market!
Hello? Mooners Anonymous.
This is Wei Wei from
Coopers & Lybrand. ls that Nick?
l'm compiling the end-of-year audit. There
seems to be a big hole in the accounts.
l'm missing the 7.78 billion yen...
..receivable from SlMEX.
Nick, can you hear me?
ls everything all right?
lt's a little complicated.
What do you need?
l can't find any paperwork.
lt was an over-the-counter trade
between Speer, Leads and Kellagg...
..and Barings London.
lt fell through the computer system.
l'll have a word with
the systems manager.
l need three bits of paper.
One: confirmation from SLK
that the 7.78 billion yen will be paid.
Two: sight of your bank balance
to show it's been received.
And three: a note from Ron Baker saying
he's aware of the deal and approves it.
(line goes dead)
Oh, it's just a computer glitch.
They're doing their annual audit.