Mister! We've been going around
in circles for hours.
You're wrong. Admit it!
- l'm not wrong. l had the right of way.
- Not wrong? You drove like an asshole.
Please calm down.
l can't calm down.
We've been going around in circles!
You can't decide who's right
and who's wrong.
l can't go to the garage. l can't go
to work. And it's late already!
l'm hurt. l'm really hurt.
Serves you right!
Driving like an asshole.
- My motorbike is small.
- He hit my car, so he's wrong.
lf l hit his car,
then l'm wrong!
ls it true what he said?
- You deserve this fucked-up face.
- Please, this is a police station.
- Please watch your manners.
- Don't tell me to watch my manners.
You know he hit my car. Why don't you
just fine him and get this over with?
Can we take the wounded man
to the hospital first?
And what about me?
l need a police report.
You draw me
the diagram of the accident.
l've drawn the diagram
four times already!
You haven't drawn even once.
- How could l decide?
- But it changes every time!
Of course! lt's from different angles.
So you get the complete picture.