And while they're looking around,
they flirt with him.
And Tor is so shy and polite.
Those horny sluts just go crazy.
- Lots of them?
- Lots of what?
- Horny teenagers.
- Lots and lots!
The more the economy flops
the hornier people get, you know?
Don't you think, Tor?
- When are you two getting married?
- A marriage? No way! l don't need one.
lf a couple is in love,
they're in love. Okay?
lf they're no longer in love, how can
a piece of paper glue them together?
All fortune tellers l've been to,
all agree on one thing,
that we're true soul mates.
And not only in this life.
One even said that Godzila-force
couldn't separate us.
Here you go.
Make sure there's enough sauce.
- How much?
- $4.
l have to go now, Tum.
lf there's a box of money
in front of your room,
don't forget
to give me a ring, okay?
Tell me, we may go abroad together.
See you.
Good bye.
Let's go.
l don't think they'll last
more than two months.
What did you say?
This will not last more
than two months.
He's a gigolo.
He has a different one every month.
- The check, please.
- $1 please.