Hi. You happen to have
some fish sauce?
My name is Pen.
l live downstairs from you.
- Yes, l have.
- Can l borrow some?
l'm making some
papaya salad
for some friends.
Then l'm out of fish sauce.
So l've been knocking on every door.
But no one is home.
Yours is the first one
wit somebody answering.
l'll bring it down
to you in a minute.
Don't have to.
l can get it myself.
And l'll return it
in a few minutes.
My room is a mess
at the moment.
That's okay. l understand.
A young girl life style.
lt's really embarrassing.
Are you
with your boyfriend?
Oh shit!
l'm sorry to interrupt.
Just take your time.
l'll be waiting in my room,
room #6, okay?
l'm so sorry.
Be quick.