Runaway Bride

If you go quietly,
I'll get you severance pay.

I'm sorry, Ike.

[Train Whistle Blowing]
[Crossing Bell Ringing]
- [Maggie]Bob? Honey?
- In the kitchen!

Honey, she canned him! Honey?
Bob, she canned him!
- Yea! What are you talking about?
- Listen, it's in the paper.

- Try this on first.
- Okay.

I wanna read it to you,
so come over this way.

"Dear Maggie Carpenter:

I apologize to you
for this unfortunate matter.''

Here it is. "Ike Graham's column will
no longer be appearing in this paper.

Best of luck
in your upcoming marriage."

Okay, this is the weight of the pack
you'll be carrying in the Himalayas.

- You let me know if it's too heavy.
- Okay. Whoa!

A little... yeah. Yeah,
a little heavy, baby. [Laughing]

[Screams, Laughs]
[Phone Rings, Message Machine] Hi,
it's me. Leave a message after the beep.

If you want to leave a fax,
buy me a fax machine.

Ike, Fisher.

Get up. I can turn
this Runaway Bride story around.
