Runaway Bride

Except I've been having
all kinds of weird dreams.

Mm-hmm. Would you like
to tell me about 'em?

Yeah, sure.
- [Maggie] And another one.
- Pete, I'll be right with ya.

[Maggie] I go inside the church
and everyone I know is there.

The creepiest part is
I look down at my dress, and it's red!

I don't know what that means.
Red is not my color.

What do you think?
- I think you'd look good in red.
- No, no.

She means about your hair.
[Peggy Chuckles]
My jacket, please.
Thank you.
Excuse me, sir. Do you know where I can
get some shampoo? Strong shampoo?

Doc's pharmacy. Third and Elm.
Tell 'em Pete sent ya.

You want my hat?
No, no, I'm fine.
You might need it.

Mr. Graham, if you're looking
for Elm Street, it's that way.

Thank you.
If you came down here in the pursuit of
happiness, you might as well go back...

because you can't make me feel bad.
I'm not trying to make you feel bad.
I'm here for vindication.

In my heart,
I feel I'm right about you.

You got me fired, lady.
You destroyed my reputation,
and you screwed up my hair.
