Runaway Bride

[Skipper Barks]
that I'm actually able to plan
and pay for so many weddings.

Not this one.
This one's on me.

Oh! That's fair.
I don't do it on purpose, and
I have no intentions of doing it again.

That's right, Maggie.
Just keep your eye on the ball.

Sports psychology.
Bob is the head of
the P.E. department at the high school.

And he coaches the football team.
And he's climbed Everest.

- Everest? Is it true?
- [Maggie] Twice.

Without oxygen.
- My girl, she likes to brag about me.
- I do.

Maggie's training
for our wedding night.

I'm taking her trekking on Annapurna
for our honeymoon.

- Oh, how romantic!
- We think so.

Nothing like sharing your nuptial bed
with two Sherpas and a yak.

Hey, Ike, how's it going?
You won't believe what
I'm looking at here. I got a video...

of all three train wrecks.
Here's my bride, who's my pride.

I'll never hide
when she's by my side.

This is for you, Maggie,
my "Sugar Magnolia."

[Ike] You want the truth?
You want the facts? I got 'em.

I'll send you a copy
of the notes.

Good weekend reading for you.
Love to Ellie. Okay, bye.
