Runaway Bride

I like the white tuxedo.
Yeah, but he's no good
'cause he's too blond.

All right. Then we just go
with something very traditional.

He's handsome.
Maybe a little too dark for Bob.

Yeah, but he's got
the "Bobster's" eyes.

No, no, no, no. The Bobster's eyes
are closer set. Yeah.

- Hello! Hi.
- Hi.

-Could I have two cups of coffee? And--

Mmm. What is that wonderful smell?

Oh, the cinnamon rolls!
- Could I have two of those? Thank you.
- Yeah, sure.

Okay. Uh, Maggie,
I think this makes the best you.

[Whispering] Okay.
Oh, let's see. Look at that.
Excuse me.
Oh, look at that.
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!
Ow, ow, ow!
Help me! Help me!

Yep, that'd be her.

You must be
that Mr. Graham fella.

- Yes, I am! And you are?
- [Laughing]

- I'm Betty Trout.
- Hi, Betty!

Okay, I guess you'll be
the one making the cake.

Yes, I am. Sure.
I'm also told
that you will be throwing--

I'm throwing the luau for Maggie.
