Runaway Bride

- See you two lovebirds later.
- See you at the weddin'.

- Yeah. Thanks for the jacket.
- You invited him to the wedding?

% Go, go, Comets
Let's go %

Don't you realize he's writing
another article about me?

But you're not runnin'. Come on. Give
me some of that homemade sunshine.

Boys, take my princess
for a ride on her chariot.

Oh, my--

Bless me, Father,
for I have sinned.

My last confession was--
Well, anyway.

I have sort of
a technical question.

I've been having bad thoughts.
- Of an impure nature?
- No, no.

I want to destroy this man's life,
career, everything. I want revenge!

Now, on the sin scale,
howbadis that?

Can I... "Hail Mary"
my way out of that?

-My child, any sin in one's heart is a--
-The name is Maggie.

It was this side of ten years ago
you had your tongue down my throat.

So don't "my child" me, Brian, okay?
It annoys me.

Maggie, don't get so upset.
Hey, hey! Don't-- Brian, talk to me.
I need to talk to you.

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie.
You're not even Catholic
so you really shouldn't be here.

I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed out
about this slimeball reporter.

And I wanted to come and tell you
that he might stop by here...

and ask you all kinds
of ridiculous questions.

Well, he only actually asked me
one ridiculous question.

The rest weren't so bad.
What? Oh, you talked to him?
