Whoever he is, they're really
mad at his car.
Are you mad at me?
It's been three days.
You don't call. You don't E-mail.
You don't carrier pigeon.
What did I do?
The deal is cancelled.
The weapon isn't for sale.
I think you'd better run that
by me again, colonel.
What do you mean, "cancelled"?
I've changed my mind.
Can't you guys get closer?
Does the Pope wear a funny hat?
I hate people who renege on deals.
I hate cowards who act tough.
I hate colonels who think they're
generals. And I hate bugs!
-What happened?
-They killed the fly.
Freddy's dead?!
What?! What kind of man
kills another man's fly?
Enough of this silliness, colonel.
Let's talk family.
Don't bring my family into this.
Don't make me.
By the way, Colonel Telore...
...Mother taught me to always leave
a lasting impression.