You all right?
What business is it of yours?
Who are you?
The guy that saved your ass.
When did lnterpol start hiring
sideshow freaks?
When did you start doing business
with arms dealers?
I haven't the faintest idea
what you're talking about.
Come on, colonel.
I see this all the time.
Guy gets greedy.
Guy meets Ashton.
Guy gets dead!
Call me...
...when you're ready to talk.
You okay?
What happened?
I scratched my bike, man.
The bike, I can fix. What happened
to the guy in uniform?
I called him a cab.
Could you l.D. him?
The guy's name is
Colonel Jacques Telore.
This file ended two years ago.
What's he doing now?
-Right now?
-He's getting ready for bed.
Nice warm glass of milk.
-Some flannel pj's.
-Hopefully a prayer.
And some sweet, sweet loving--
Guys, please.
His current assignment is classified.
Interpol doesn't have access.