You were dreaming.
Things I had forgotten.
- And would not like to remember.
- Tell me what you dreamt.
My mother was an innocent.
A child of nature.
by my father.
Murdered by--
Murdered to save her soul...
by a Bible-black tyrant
behind a mask of righteousness.
I was seven...
when I lost my faith.
What do you believe in?
Sense and reason.
Cause and consequence.
I should not have come
to this place...
where my rational mind has been
so controverted by the spirit world.
Will you take nothing from Sleepy Hollow
that was worth the coming here?
No, not nothing.
A kiss from
a lovely young woman...
before she saw my face
or knew my name.
Yes, without sense
or reason.
Forgive me,
I speak of kisses...
and you have lost
your brave man, Brom.
I have shed my tears
for Brom.
And yet my heart
is not broken.
Do you think me wicked?
Perhaps there is a bit
of a witch in you, Katrina.
Why do you say that?
Because you have bewitched me.