Of course it is.
Can you infer, then...
...whether an object was propelled
against the head of the deceased...
...or if his head moved against an object...
...or would both look the same?
The same.
If the head struck something narrow
and flat like the gunnel of the boat...
...or net roller, a fairlead, could that have--
If the head were moving fast enough,
but I don't see how it could be.
- Nonetheless, it is possible?
- Anything's possible.
Is it fair to say that you don't know
for certain which it was?
Didn't I just say--
I already said that.
But you are certain
that he died by drowning?
For the third time, yes.
- Can I say something here?
- No. You've been more than helpful.
- No further questions.
- The witness may stand down.
We'll take our lunch recess now.
Reconvene at 1:30 sharp.
How are the kids?
They made a snowman
to welcome you home.
Wow, that's great.
Just a few more days.
You look beautiful.
I'm not going until you smile.
I think it's dangerous with this jury.