Snow Falling on Cedars

Stay away from white boys.
Marry one of your own kind
whose heart is strong and gentle.

The hairpin should be better placed
for a girl to find the right husband.

She teaches me to be Japanese.
What does that mean?
Dances, calligraphy, how to do my hair...
:27:28 to sit without moving.
What's the point of that?
It's a part of grace.
You boys don't understand.
Try me.
She doesn't let me get away with anything.
It's the same for me.
Except it's my dad.
Know what would happen to an operator
who got his sleeve caught in the press?

Do you?
He'd be popped open like a balloon,
splattered all over the walls.

Even his bones would disappear...
:28:32 be discovered later on the floor
like strips of white confetti.

We'll make a newspaperman
out of you yet.
