Journalism is the facts.
Which facts? You can't print them all.
Journalism is making choices.
Culling out what's unimportant.
You know what happens to Jap lovers?
Jap lovers get their balls cut off
and shoved down their throats.
Better watch your step.
- It's unbelievable to me.
- I don't know, Mom.
The PTA honors 23 women. Dad singles
out three names and they're all Japanese.
That's not journalism. It's propaganda.
- This is dangerous, Arthur.
- It'll blow over.
Did you see the letters?
"Seems like you're favoring the Japs, Art.
"Your newspaper's an insult
to all white Americans.
- "Please cancel my subscription."
- What are you gonna do?
Send him a refund.
What happened to the Petersen ad
I put together?
They pulled out.
So did the gas station...
...and Larson, and the cafe.
What now?
Print four pages instead of eight.
"Please tell Sumiko to help her mother
with the garden work.
"We are digging trenches
for a water system.