
and to see that you have absolutely
no respect to our nation

which - under the guidance
of the labor class...

Yes, Misha... what
do you think about it?

I did it,
You did?
I'm so disappointed of you,
Misha should be punished as well,
don't you think, friends?

I'll deliver a self-critical lecture
at the next FDJ meeting.

That sounds like a proper punishment
and an honor for you, simultaneously.
Mario, you've been redeemed.
Where's my Kamil?
I'm practicing my act,
all for Miriam.

That's Sabina's new boyfriend.
He works in a theatre.

Be serious. You're going to play
Lucile in the school theatre.

Being an actor is no fun,
you've got to treat it seriously.
You'd have to be severely sick to
have your phone line enabled.

Make a complaint,
- You need to have diabetes.
- I can get some sugar.

- He meant people suffering from diabetes.
- I can't smuggle that.

Dear friends,,,
leading role and
meaning of a labor party...

...or have a paralyzed child,
like the Meisners.

Your neighbor works in security forces
and also has a phone.

- How come you know where he works?
- Because he has a phone.

- Then why doesn't he hang out the flag?
- Because he works in security forces.

But you do hang out the flag.
I'm trying to explain to you that
he works in security forces.

What can we do about it?
