Not cool.
Wendy and I think
that was a sexist statement.
Sorry, but I don't trust anything that
bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
Anyway, children, let's start off
with some vocabulary.
Attention, students.
What now?
Come to the gymnasium immediately
for a special announcement.
- What's going on, Chef?
- Something big, children.
I can't find the clitoris.
You have to help.
Stan, the clitoris is...
Take your seats.
They're about to announce it.
This is a state of emergency.
Now to the White House for
an announcement from the President.
My fellow Americans...
... at 5 a.m. Today,
a day which will live in infamy...
... the Canadians have bombed
the Baldwins.
In response to this, the U.S. has
declared war on Canada.
- Oh, no.
- War?
- No, Gregory, no!
- This is bad. Hold on to me.
All the Baldwins are dead?
It's time for us to send
a message to Canadians.
In two days, the war criminals,
Terrance and Phillip...
... will be executed.
They're gonna kill them?
And now I'd like to bring up my newly
appointed Secretary of Offense...
... Ms. Sheila Broflovski.
Holy shit, dude!
My fellow Americans...
... our neighbor to the north
has abused us for the last time!
- I have a plan...
- Canadians want to fight us...
... because we won't tolerate
their potty-mouths.
If it is war they want...
... then war they shall have!
Dude, this is fucking weak.
How could things be any worse?
Fallen one, I am Satan.
I am your god now.
There is no escape.