Patient B-5 here has been fitted
with the new V-chip.
My head hurts.
Don't worry about that.
Now, I want you to say "doggy".
Notice that nothing happens.
- Now say "Montana".
- Montana.
Now, "pillow".
All right. Now I want you to say
Go ahead, Eric. It's all right.
That hurt, goddamn...
Now I'd like you to say
"big, floppy donkey dick".
The child doesn't want to swear!
This isn't fair, you sons of bitches!
We will start putting V-chips
in all our children next week!
Snacky Smores presents:
The March of War.
Let's hear it for our boys.
Clinton has called them
to fight the evil Canadians.
A full-scale attack was launched
on Toronto...
... after the Canadians' last bombing,
which devastated the Arquettes.
For security measures,
our great government is rounding up...
... all citizens with Canadian blood
and putting them into camps.
Canadian-Americans are to report
to one of these death camps right away.
Did I say "death camps"?
I meant happy camps,
where you will eat the finest meals...
... have access to fabulous doctors
and exercise regularly.
Meanwhile, war criminals Terrance
and Phillip are prepped for execution.
Their execution will take place...
... during a fabulous USO show,
with guest celebrities, including...
... Big Gay Al and Winona Ryder.
Of course, the only way to see the
USO show is to sign up for the Army!
So join the Army and kill
some Canadian scum as we continue...
... the march of war.
Eat Snacky Smores.
We must rid ourselves
of anything Canadian.
Don't you like
Terrance and Phillip anymore?
Course not! Mommy says I hate Canadians
because they made me have a dirty mouth.
Burn it all!
- Hey, dudes.
- What's the matter, Cartman?
It's this V-chip. I hate it.
I can't say any dirty words.