Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

The Federation
would not dare go that far.

The senate would revoke their trade
franchise, and they'd be finished.

We must continue to rely
on negotiation.

We've lost all communications.

And where are
the chancellor's ambassadors?

This is a dangerous situation,
Your Highness.

Our security volunteers
will be no match...

against a battle-hardened
Federation army.

I will not condone a course of action
that will lead us to war.

- Yes, Viceroy?
- Captain, we've searched the ship...

and there is no trace of the Jedi.
They may have gotten on
one of your landing craft.

If they're down here, sir,
we'll find them.

Use caution.
These Jedi are not to be underestimated.

- Oh, no!
- Get away! Get out of here!

Get down!
Was'n dat?
Hey, wait!

Oh, mooie-mooie,
I love you.

You almost got us killed.
Are you brainless?

I spake.
The ability to speak
does not make you intelligent.
