
How do you do that?
How did you know that was me?

You have the most persistent ring I know.
ljust wanted to say hi while
l'm near a phone. How are you?

Where are you?
Belo Quinto, near Rio.
Mom, hoId on, I'm getting another caII.
lt's about time. Where you been, baby?
I hate it when you just Ieave.
You couId say goodbye.

''Why?'' Forget it.
Look, I got my mom on the other Iine.
I'II see you tonight.

AII right, I'II see you Iater.
Mom? Hi, I'm back.
So how do you Iike Rio?

- lt was great. Did you get mypackage?
- Yeah, I got it yesterday.

- What did you think? Did you open it yet?
- HoId on, I'm gonna change phones.

What do you think? Did you get a chance
to look at everything?

I'm opening it now.
- Pretty postcards.
- Aren't those pretty?

- Cute brush.
- l saw a lady make that.

- A IittIe hat.
- lt's probably for a little doll.

- A neckIace?
- lt's not really a necklace. lt's a rosary.

- Where did you get it?
- This little village...

- Belo Quinto.
- I didn't know you went there.

l took a little side trip.
So, the presents, do you love 'em?

l'm so glad we talked.
l'm going on that cruise.

We won't talk for a month. l have to run.
Have fun. I Iove you.
I'm gIad you caIIed, Mom. Bye.

- Can I get two Iattes, pIease? Low fat.
- Got it.

- Just one. I'm OK.
- A bacon and egg sandwich, too.

To go. What's up?
You're not eating today?

I threw up this morning
from the smeII of tea.

- Like a week.
- A week?

I don't know. A few days. I feeI weird.
