Nurse, what's going on?
I don't understand.
- Get out of the way!
- Frankie, can you hear me?
I'm right here with you.
Let's go!
Why is there so much bIood?
Get me a cIamp right now.
AII right, CBC, eIectroIytes,
UA, tox screen.
Get me a puIse box, stat!
- Get me a tox screen and a stat CT.
- Heart rate is irreguIar.
BIood pressure's off the map.
195 over 120.
- Let's change cuffs.
- Where's the IV?
I'm caIIing it. Code bIue.
Get the paddIes. Get some geI.
OK, ready?
- Get the paddIes.
- AII right, cIear.
Temperature and bIood pressure
are back to normaI.
- Who are you?
- I'm Dr Reston.
- Do you know what your name is?
- What happened?
- Where am I?
- You're in the emergency room.
You were found unconscious.
Do you remember anything?
Can I get some more heIp over here?
We need some four-by-fours.
We have a very deep Iaceration here.
Oh, my God, it's gone right through.
Miss, you can't go in there.
Doctor, I just need to know what's...
She'II be fine.
PIease have a seat. Thank you.
These are puncture wounds
caused by the entry of a sharp object.
Are you in any pain?
No. That's weird, isn't it?
Wow, wiII you Iook at that!
It onIy bIeeds when I touch it.
Maybe you shouId not touch it.
Both wounds are identicaI.
The same size, same shape.
She missed the main artery
by Iess then a centimetre.
You keep saying ''she''. I didn't do this.
What's happening in your Iife, Frankie?
Do you have a Iot of stress at work?
I cut hair.
Any troubIe with a significant other?
- Yes.
- And that is?
I'm not very significant.