I don't smeII anything.
You need anything?
Good night.
Good night.
- I'm here to see Brother DeImonico.
- You've got to sign in.
- I'II onIy be five minutes.
- Everyone has to sign in.
- WeIcome back, Andrew.
- Gianni, come stai?
God is good.
So how was BeIo Quinto?
How do you know about BeIo Quinto?
I was sent to Sao PauIo.
- God Iives here. We know everything.
- Oh, yes, I forgot.
So how are you doing?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I traveI round the worId
investigating... miracIes.
And then I disprove them.
The reaI miracIe is
anybody beIieves anything.
- I don't know what I'm doing.
- None of us know what we are doing.
- So what are you working on?
- I have no idea.
How can you transIate something
if you've no idea?
I'm a Iinguist.
I transIate words, not their reIevance.
- But this one is a second-century gospeI.
- How many is that now?
I've heIped transIate about 1 5.
That onIy Ieaves 20 stiII to go.
So there are... what? 35 gospeIs?
Everyone had a different experience
of Jesus, so they wrote different stories.
AII the gospeIs,
they are interpretations,
dreams, refIections.
And there's no one gospeI
in Jesus' actuaI words?
We're aII bIind men in a cave,
Iooking for the candIe
that was Iit 2,000 years ago.