So what's in this text?
I was onIy given every third page.
- Why?
- The most sensitive documents
are aIways divided into threes among us.
One third to the Dominicans,
one third to the Franciscans,
and one third to us Jesuits.
The truth of any document
is onIy known to a very powerfuI few.
That's typicaI of this pIace, isn't it?
We Iive in a highIy competitive worId,
The Church is no exception.
Nothing ever gets out of here, does it?
UnIess, of course, they want it to.
Both wounds are identical.
Same size, same shape.
She missed the main artery
by less than a centimetre.
You think l did this?
What's happening in your life, Frankie?
- So, Jen, teII us about your date.
- It was with a tax Iawyer.
A tax Iawyer?
When I met him he seemed cooI.
Hey, hi, you guys.
- How are you feeIing?
- Fine.
ReaIIy OK, or just OK?
I'm fine. So how's my day Iooking?
I started your first cIient
and you're booked soIid.
Thanks. Wanna come over here?
OK, weII, go back to Jen and dish the dirt.
he seemed pretty cooI.
Divorced, but no kids.
But he Ieft the tabIe in the middIe of
dinner to caII his mother in Oregon.
Major points for the Iong-distance mom.
Yeah. You know,
I thought I'd give him a shot,
but you won't beIieve what he did.
Every singIe time he took
a bite of his steak,
he growIed. He growIed!