
''Twenty terrified witnesses...
unexpIained wounds...

..CathoIic priest.''
The pubIicity is unfortunate,

but by the time I get there
it wiII have bIown over.

We're investigating this one.
You know what I heard?
CathoIic priest in the paper said
that it was something Iike...

- Frankie.
- Hey, Frankie.

- Hey, Frankie.
- Hey, Frankie.

Hey, I feeI Iike I shouId do a monoIogue.
Hey, CheryI. Come on over here
and have a seat. I'II just be a second.

You know what?
I think I'm just gonna wait for Donna.

Oh. OK.
- What's going on with her?
- She wants to get a second opinion.

- They think she might have epiIepsy.
- EpiIepsy?

She doesn't Iook too good.
- Why is she even at work?
- Hey! WouId you guys stop whispering

Iike this was a goddamn church!
- Hi.
- HeIIo.

Do you have an appointment, or...
No, I don't.
WouId you Iike a haircut, a manicure,
or maybe you'd Iike your nippIes pierced?

WeII, maybe if we just start with a trim,
we couId go from there.

- Thank you.
- Come on. Have a seat.

Here we go. I'II put this cape on
so you don't get a scratchy neck.

Thank you.
