A gift from God.
A gift? Can I give it back?
Listen, Father, can I show you these
and you couId teII me what you think?
Yes. Yes, of course.
Coffee, honey?
WeII, what do you think?
- It doesn't reaIIy matter what I think.
- What does that mean?
It means officiaIIy
this is not a case for the Church.
To say that a seIf-confessed atheist
exhibits the wounds of Christ
- is a contradiction in terms.
- Here.
Read that. I found that on my kitchen
tabIe the other morning.
Now, I don't know what that says,
but that handwriting is mine.
It's ItaIian.
It says, ''SpIit a piece of wood
and I'm there.''
''Lift a stone and you wiII find me.''
- It's quite beautifuI, actuaIIy.
- This isn't beautifuI!
This is a warning!
It means no matter what I do,...
- Miss Paige...
- ..I can't escape it.
- Miss Paige, I wouId reaIIy Iike to heIp...
- You know what?
This is not going anywhere.
You don't know what this is.
You can't give me an answer.
Coffee's on me. Here.