There is no scientific explanation.
Stigmatics are deeply religious people.
We're gonna do whatever we can
to find out, but, all things considered,
l think it might explain a lot.
Throughout history,
only people who believe deeply in God
have been afflicted with these wounds.
The nearer they come to God,
the more open they are
to the torment oftheir demons.
The Church regards it as a gift.
A gift from God.
- Here's to Friday night.
- Yeah. To Friday night, honey.
Don't worry. Order another drink.
I'II be right back. I'm gonna check it out.
But youjust can't tell
Don't hold your breath
But the pretty things are going to hell
- Hey, girIfriend.
- Hey.
- What's up? I thought you were resting.
- Have you seen Steven?
Forget about Steven.
What's up with that priest?
BeIieve me, he's aII business.
Hey, can we get two doubIes each?
Hey, you know what's scarier
than not beIieving in God?
BeIieving in him.
I mean reaIIy beIieving in him
is a fucking terrifying thought.
It's Friday night.
You're taking things too seriousIy.
If there is a God, he hates me.
He's ruining my Iife.
Frankie, it's gonna be aII right. Man, reIax.
You don't get it, do you?
I have fucking hoIes through my wrists!
I have sIashes across my back!
If it isn't God that's doing this to me,
then who is?
I think you're Iosing it, man.
Where you goin'?