through the wrists, not the paIms.
The hands couIdn't support
the body weight,
so they did crucify them
through the wrists.
No, wait, you're teIIing me
that every painting,
every statue ofChrist,
every singIe crucifix
in the whoIe worId is wrong?
No, no, just inaccurate.
They're impressions of the truth.
Icons are meant to be inspirationaI.
Miss Paige,
there's something eIse you shouId know.
The words you keep repeating
that, uh, you thought were nonsense.
It's not.
It's actuaIIy a very specific Ianguage.
It's a form of Aramaic.
It's a form of Aramaic
that hasn't been used for 1900 years.
It's a diaIect that was used in GaIiIee
around the time of Jesus.
Split a piece of wood and l am there.
Lift a stone and you will find me.