Why am I so sad?
It smeIIs Iike fIowers in here.
Like... jasmine or...
..rose or something.
- Can you smeII that?
- Yes, I can.
- Who wrote that?
- You did.
- l wrote that?!
- Yes.
- Have you heard from Father Andrew?
- No, Eminence.
- He hasn't fiIed a report.
- What are these?
These are newspaper cIippings
from our office in New York.
The first one is from PennsyIvania.
The others are from New York
and Washington.
These are even more damaging.
This one mentions the stigmata.
- He isn't defusing the situation.
- ShaII I caII him home?
Have him concIude his investigation
and report to me in New York next week.
Frankie, can you pIease come over here
and have a Iook at this?
I just can't beIieve that none of this
means anything to you.
Frankie, can you pIease...
Can you pIease Iook at this?
Sometimes subjects retain fragments
or images that can be transmitted
This subject doesn't retain
fragments of images.
You don't get it, do you, Father Kiernan?
I don't know what the heII that means!