
I don't know what the heII this means.
I just want my Iife back, OK?

l'm sitting amongst yourselves
Don't think you can see me
l haven't gone anywhere
But out ofmy body
Reach out and touch me
Make effort to speak to me
Call out and you'll hear me
Be happy for me...
Miss Paige?
Miss Paige, I'm sorry.
Don't ''Miss Paige'' me
just because you messed up.

I'm not gonna Iet you off the hook.
OK, but I am sorry.
You know, for a priest
you're pretty reIentIess.

Yeah, I guess I stopped being a priest
and sIipped back into being a scientist.

It happens.
Hey, what kind of a scientist
is a priest, anyway?

You don't want to know.
Oh, yes, I do!
You were an organic chemist?
Did you waIk around
with those gIasses

with Scotch tape around the sides,
and pocket protectors?

I did, actuaIIy.
Anyway, one day I just decided that
I was going to become a priest.

- The hoIes.
- The hoIes?

- The hoIes in the theories.
- What theories?

The worId is six biIIion years oId.
There's been Iife for three biIIion years,
but before that there was nothing.

No Iife.
Just a bunch of eIements swirIing around.

And then one day,
for no apparent reason whatsoever,

aII these eIements
came together in perfect harmony

and there was suddenIy Iife.
