He wants to know about his family. Any
child would have questions about that.
Hey, Snow?
I know that you and I got off
on the wrong paw.
I just wanted to see if we could
start out fresh.
You know? Clean slate.
What do you say? Wanna be friends?
Okay, then.
He's playing with my head.
He's trying to psych me out.
Sick little rodent!
Snow, let me in!
I'm starving! What's in the dish?
Oh, no. Monty the Mouth.
If he sees Stuart, it'll be
all over the neighborhood.
Go away! There's no food.
I'm not picky, as long as
it ain't meat loaf.
That stuff gives me gas,
something awful.
Sorry, It's meat loaf.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Load me up and light a match.
No, Monty. Stop.
You don't wanna do that.
I eat from garbage cans,
drink from public toilets.
Like a little gas will bother me.
No, wait. Don't!
Oh, great. What am I gonna
tell him now?
Monty, I can explain.
Explain what?
Explain that you should
stuff your face.
Oh, thanks.
I don't wanna rush you,
but you have to leave.
The Littles are due back, and they
don't like strange cats in the house.
Not that you're strange.
Snow, what's wrong with you?
You're the one acting strange.
What is it? Worms? Fleas?